【同义词辨析】 2020-04-01 扩大expand-dilate

expand: may apply whether the increase comes from within or without and regardless of manner, whether by growth, unfolding, or addition of parts: our business has ~ed with every passing year.

amplify: implies the extension or enlargement of something that is inadequate: ~ the statement with some details.

swell: implies gradual expansion beyond a thing's original or normal limits: bureaucracy ~ed to unmanageable proportions.  limit限度极限表示不能越过的点a point beyond which something cannot go

distend: implies outward expansion caused by pressure from within: a stomach ~ed by gas.

inflate: implies distension by or as if by the introduction of a gas or something insubstantial and suggests a resulting instability and liability to sudden change: an ~d ego.     如Stuart jumped into the sea and inflated the liferaft斯图尔特跳到海里给救生艇充气,本身表示通货膨胀,指价格上涨导致货币价值下降,如to control/curb inflation控制/抑制通货膨胀

dilate: applies especially to the expansion of diameter and suggests a widening of something circular: dim light causes the pupils of the eyes to ~.  直径  如red wine can help to dilate blood vessels红葡萄酒有助于扩张血管

expand扩大: 泛指扩大,无论生长展开增加,无论受内力外力,amplify扩充: 指将不足的扩展增大,swell肿胀: 指超出了正常限度,distend膨胀: 指受到内部压力而扩大,inflate充气膨胀: 指充入气体轻质物而膨胀,导致不稳易变,dilate扩大: 多指圆形物变宽

记忆方法: 1)首字母EASDID想成SEA DID海的行为纳百川<==扩大         ""的意思是"推广伸张放大",如扩大扩展扩散扩建扩张扩军扩充扩容等。来源未说明。""从月长声,表示和身体有关,本义"皮肉鼓胀"。现有2个意思 1、体积变大,如膨胀肿胀热胀冷缩通货膨胀 2、身体内壁受到压迫而产生不舒服的感觉,如肚子胀胃胀

     2)扩大的意思是增大尺寸体积mean to increase in size or volume.